Communication Suite 4.0 has been Released!

The new 4.0 version of Communication Suite, an advanced call analytics software solution that has been preferred most to report and analyze all phone traffic of companies in the corporate world since 2004 is released!
The new version, completely reimagined, will offer customized reports with productivity measures so they can improve efficiency. It will create reports for enterprises needs, from customer satisfaction to employee call productivity, from insight analysis to call reporting in areas where large telephone networks are used, such as banks, hospitals, insurance companies, retail chains, industrial establishments, governments, and universities.
Customers will experience more advanced and comprehensive report interfaces. The new version focused on different and extensive reporting options for customers, including analyzing the call traffic, easily tracking the transferred calls, detecting errors on the telephone network, and measuring the performance of Hunt Groups, which were created to answer incoming calls.
Customers can reach effectively and quickly more than one service by sending emails to companies where email is intensive with Communication Suite 4.0. Emails can be sent in PDF and Excel format, or files can be forwarded to desired FTP addresses.
In addition, it can send customized reports for users, and many reports can be brought together and transmitted over a single mail. The advanced “Email Sending Report and Control” allows all emails communicated through the system to be easily tracked.
One of the essential conditions for the data received from the telephone exchange to become meaningful reports is that the organizational information of the company’s employees is up-to-date in the program. Therefore, the mechanism that keeps the organizational information up-to-date in the application just has been improved, its capabilities have been increased, and the system has been enabled with the name “Auto Update”. It can now be brought organizational information together from many different data sources such as excel files and databases, inconsistencies between sources can be brought to the attention of system administrators, and wrong entries in the data source can be easily detected.
The new version is designed for every phone user in the company, and the user interface was kept in the foreground while the new features and add-ons were created by considering the needs of the companies.

Favorite Reports
Communication Suite creates reports optimized in a wide variety, as you know, and gives them a name and stores. Communication Suite 4.0 also allows you to create “publish” reports. Within the application, users can publish their reports to a group permitted by their authority. Thus, those reports can be used by others.
In the new version, Favorite Reports includes not only the parameters that created that report but also the column views and information on which column is sorted. Moreover, considering the new filter options brought to the reports, the same report page can organize and store differently according to various practical purposes.
4.0 Version can group the Favorite Report list into folders, and each user can arrange the order of the reports on the screen according to their preference. This way, users can place their reports in a way that provides practical use.
Another innovation in the new 4.0 version is the diversification of access methods to Favorite reports. While these reports can be accessed from the “Favorite Reports” page as in the past, reports related to that page can be easily accessed from the “Easy Search” box on any screen of the application OR from the “view” field on each report page.