New Year, New Beginnings for IPERA!

We are thrilled to announce changing our domain name from ‘’ to ‘,’ because we think IPERA.AI is more suitable for our vision and for our technology capabilities. With this change, we want to give a clear message to our partners and potential clients about our innovative efforts and state-of-the-art technology solutions.
Today, ‘change’ has become a part of life. Changes and developments are occurring much faster on the technology side. These developments cover all of our business and social lives and will continue to affect our lives more and more as time goes by. For companies to develop and carry themselves forward, they should always follow these innovations and never stop modernizing themselves. As a part of our company vision, we closely track these innovations and add new ones to our software platform daily. Result of these developments, we continue our innovative AI-based R&D efforts to take the steps that we think will further help our global success.
Many developments inspire us every day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only one of them. We are working very hard on AI-based reporting and predictive analytics technologies. Each day we are adding new features to our state-of-the-art software platform. We believe that AI-based technologies and services will make our life easier. Our customers will save time and resources. Our clients and partners will reach their business goals easier and faster. IPERA will be the best partner for them to reach their targets.