GITEX Global 2022 Dubai: The World’s Largest Technology Fair

Together with our technology partner Cisco, we took our place in GITEX Global 2022 between 16-20 October at Dubai World Trade Center, where there was great interest after the pandemic!
During the ongoing visits to the Cisco Z1-C20 booth, we provided information about our products, Starling Guest WiFi, Indoor Tracking & IoT Solutions, drawing attention to the importance of smart cities and digital transformations today.
We tried to showcase to our visitors through the cases we have made so far that we are an essential player in large smart city projects in addition to airports, shopping malls, and chain hotel projects, especially by using Enterprise Networking Services and Cisco Spaces (DNA Spaces) of our technology partner Cisco.
On the fourth day of the fair, our technology partner Mr. Rabih Saad from Cisco, and Mr. Mustafa Murat Duran from IPERA Solutions came together for an interview. Mr. Mustafa talked about IPera’s latest innovations in artificial intelligence-based application packages related to better guest experience, visitor footfall analytics, and indoor tracking & IoT solutions. In addition, Mr. Rabih also thanked us by emphasizing that we are a reliable digital transformation partner.
We would like to thank all our guests who added value to our booth in Gitex Global 2022 with their visits.