19 Sep 2019
3 min read

All You Need to Know About WiFi Marketing

Finding new customers for your business may be a challenge. A powerful WiFi Marketing tool can help to engage better with your existing customers, which benefits your business without spending a large sum of marketing budget. Guest WiFi plays a great role in service industries in delivering context-aware and location-based messages

WiFi marketing is a term used for delivering your marketing messages to customers who are connected to Free Guest WiFi in a business venue or smart city concept.

It is an innovative concept that is being adapted for businesses that need to provide free and good quality guest wifi service

How it works?

While your customers log in using Free Guest WiFi, in return you build a customer database with their demographics, social likes, and other preferences.

You deliver your context-aware marketing messages in simple ways;

Proximity marketing – delivering targeted messages based on your customers’ behavior, demographics, frequency of visits, and preferences.

Social Marketing – by enabling social login options on your splash portal, your guests are given an option to post a message on their social network profile which helps to increase social visibility for your brand.

Campaigns – Engaging with your customers that have not visited

Who needs it?

Any venue that needs to engage with their customers gets benefits from IPERA Starling WiFi Marketing tools including shopping malls, hotels, restaurants & cafes, retail stores, airports, and smart cities

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